• Overcoming toolholder deformation - Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:45:12

    How JM Performance Products’ high-torque retention knobs helped Hansen Engineering Co. increase productivity.

    Hansen Engineering Co. (HEC) is a Harbor City, California, aerospace engineering shop, with most of its modern, high-speed enclosed CNC machines operating from 10,000rpm to 15,

  • Overview of digital camera lens bayonetsFotoAparát.cz

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:45:05

    The School of Professional Photography offers retraining photo courses accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.In this article, we would like to bring you a simple overview of mirrorless camera and SLR bayonets that you may encounter with digital cameras.Un

  • DZOFILM goes Full- Frame with new Catta Zoom Lenses - Newsshooter

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:45:03

    DZOFLIM announces the full-frame Catta Cinema Zooms. They are available in 35-80mm and 70-135mm. Both are T2.9. Since most full-frame zooms at T2.9 are big and, heavy DZOFILM decided to use different materials to keep the weight down.

    The 35mm-80mm T/2.9 weighs 1.53kg, and the 70mm-135m

  • Should You Caulk Around the Toilet? - Bob Vila

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:55

    By Bob Beacham | Published Jul 23, 2021 3:31 PM

    A: Judging by many of the conversations in DIY and plumbers’ forums online, you are not the only one who is confused. The debate over whether or not to caulk around toilet bases can even get quite h

  • Roughing In A Toilet Flange: Any Homeowner Can Do This

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:50

    Any homeowner can rough in a toilet flange

    “Roughing in a toilet flange involves measuring for its location from the finished wall, cutting the hole for the toilet flange, and fastening the flange to the floor,” according to Bob Beall, the most referred plumber in Southwest Pennsylv

  • Demand For Off-Highway Engines For Agriculture Is Anticipated To Expand Significantly, Clocking A CAGR Of Over 6% By 2031 – Queen Anne and Mangolia News

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:43

    The Fact.MR new report on the market survey of Off-Highway Engine gives estimations of the Size of Off-Highway Engine Market and the overall Off-Highway Engine Market share of key regional segments During Forecast Period.

    Extensive rounds of primary and a comprehensive secondary researc

  • Short Interest in Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (OTCMKTS:MITSY) Increases By 140.0% - Defense World

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:40

    Posted by admin on Apr 16th, 2022

    Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (OTCMKTS:MITSY – Get Rating) was the target of a large increase in short interest during the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 2,400 shares, an increase of 140.0% from the Ma

  • STAMPING Journal

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:26

    Milwaukee-based Blackwell Capital Group LLC has acquired Advance Fittings Corp., an Elkhorn, Wis.-based manufacturer of stainless steel butt-weld fittings and custom fabrications used in the biopharmaceutical industry.

    Edward Mentzer, Advance Fittings founder and president, will retire.

  • STAMPING Journal

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:24

    Why does a single-pass stainless steel weld using FCAW keep failing inspection? David Meyer and Rob Koltz take a closer look what might be causing these failures. Getty Images

    Q: We are repair welding steel scrapers inside of a dryer system that is in a wet environment. Our welds are fai

  • Supply House Times logo

    by admin on 2022-05-14 23:44:22

    The Producer Price Index for copper tube and fittings was up 0.1% month-over-month (-2.8% in the last update), but was up 74.8% year-over-year (up 85.8% Y/Y last month).

    The copper COMEX futures price continues to hold steady around the $4.30/lb. mark.  Although this raw material cost h